Monday, March 1, 2010

Going to North Carolina!

I feel like it's been decades. I'm counting the sleeps until I board a plane headed for my family in Black Mountain on March 19th until the 22nd. And it's the Equinox! Could there be a drum circle on the horizon? I sure hope so!

I also plan on heading west to visit Mikey this month. Maybe the weekend of the 27th? I can't wait to see he and Jen's new pad and the awesome life they are living. Feeling very blessed today.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back after a long hiatus

Things have certainly changed since my last entry. We are settled back in Arizona and we are both working at jobs we love. I've been traveling around the country, mostly the midwest, as a Professional Development Consultant for a Web based educational program for kids that are having trouble meeting their credit needs in the regular classroom, and there are thousands, thanks to our fabulous education system. I miss the classroom deeply, but at least I can make a difference for these kids that are quite often ignored or disregarded.

Oh...and we have a brand, new baby in our family! Alex and Kelcey just welcomed a son, Eliseo Dane. I have booked my flight to Asheville so I can sniff the sweet aroma of a newborn grandchild, and bask in the love and comfort of my other four grandchildren and their parents. Life is good, and I am grateful. The picture above is the alter I created when Kelsey was in labor. I kept it up for two days after Seo was born.